FINAL TSTO Lesa Dec 14.pdf - Flipbook - Page 16
Sex — telling it like it is: a survey
of 1000 Australian teenagers and
their parents7
Key findings in a survey of 1000 teenagers and
their parents include:
• Teenagers who have talked with their
parents about sexual matters become
sexually active later than those who haven’t.
• Most parents (90%) rate themselves as
approachable on the topic of sex, but only
74% of teens agree.
• One in five parents think that their teen
is sexually active, but in reality about
one-third of teenagers claim to be. At the
same time, 13% of parents admit that they
wouldn’t know whether their teen was
sexually active or not.
• In general more parents think they’ve had
‘the talk’ about sexual health than teens
do (80% vs 73%), with 20% of parents
admitting that they have never had the
conversation with their teenager.
• 66% of teens and 75% of parents support
sex education in schools.
There is more than
one kind of boy and
one kind of girl.