FINAL TSTO Lesa Dec 14.pdf - Flipbook - Page 15
6. Boys need to know too
Boys sometimes miss out on sexuality education within the
family. Mothers tend to provide more discussion on this topic,
but may know less than dads about boys’ development. Boys
are often left to learn about sex and sexuality on their own.6
Be aware that some boys might seek out pornography on the
web as an alternative source of information.
7. It can make life easier for children who are not
traditional ‘boy’ types or ‘girl’ types
There is more than one kind of boy and one kind of girl, but
children suffer if they don’t follow the ‘endorsed model’. If we start
early to question children’s beliefs about what boys and girls are
‘supposed’ to do, we could prevent a lot of misery and help to
broaden everyone’s options, ultimately contributing to children’s
wellbeing and sense of belonging.
8.It can help protect
them from sexual
Keeping sex and bodies
a secret can help sexual
abusers keep their crimes
secret. Open discussion
at home gives children
permission to talk with
you about sex and sexual
body parts and to ask
... the younger they are, the less embarrassing it is for
them. If I try to start now with my 10 year old, it would
be just really unusual for me to be speaking to her like
that. Because they’ve always known and it’s not been
a big secret - she and my 8 year old can just come and
talk to me. And if they hear things in the playground
they can come and talk to me and they know that what
I’m going to say is going to be honest.
- Parent of 10 year old girl and 8 year old boy