FINAL TSTO Lesa Dec 14.pdf - Flipbook - Page 10
Not surprisingly, parents talk more often, and in a more natural and open way, when they feel confident. As
well as looking at what the research advises, we asked parents what they want to know in order to feel more
confident. Parents said:
1. We want knowledge
• I just want to know what’s normal, what to expect with my kids.
• How much is ‘too much’ information for my children?
2. We want to know how to share our values with our children
• Do you ostracise your child, who has come home with his girlfriend and has always been very open
and all the rest of it? … You want to keep that relationship right with everyone. But when it’s suddenly
thrust upon you and you haven’t got a book or a website to go to…
• How do I encourage talking about sex, without encouraging them to have sex?!
3. We want to know how to keep communication going
• What age do we start talking? What do I say? What is the right thing to say?
• I want to talk but she doesn’t!
4. How do we deal with all the sexual information (on TV, Internet, billboards, schoolyards, etc?)
• Kids have access to so much more information than … we ever did, and … do now. Because,
as a general rule, we don’t sit down and google sex …
Talk soon. Talk often. provides some information on some of these issues, as well as a chance to decide your
own position on a range of issues to do with sex and relationships.