20231001 TRIFT Retail Catalog - Flipbook - Page 35
Sales Collection
Retail Selling Starter Kit
Retail Selling Series
Greeting and Acknowledging Your Customers
Reading the Shopping Cart
Actively Listening to Your Customers
Validating and Developing Trust
Engaging Retail Customers
Drive By Recommendations
Successfully Engaging Customers
Sharing Experiences
How to Create Repeat Customers
Touring the Store
How to Assist Gift Shoppers
Retail Store Merchandising
Client Telling
Merchandising a Retail Sales Floor
Overlooked Merchandising Opportunities
exceptional service to your current and potential
Up-Selling Techniques for Retail Stores
customers 3 thereby impacting store sales and
Retail Cross-Selling Techniques
Understanding Customer Expectations
Happy is Always a Good Idea.
Effective sales techniques 3 whether it be to existing
customers or to new customers are the skills we strive
to impart on our employees.
Sales training taps into the skills needed to provide
increasing the average transaction size.