THE ORIGINAL SUPER CONCENTRATESYSTEM. INCREDIBLE CLEANINGPOWER WITH A NEW LOOK...EV2:10241EV2 - Mul琀椀Surface Cleaner &DegreaserEV3:10243EV3 - An琀椀bacterialMul琀椀-SurfaceCleanerEV4:10244EV4 - An琀椀bacterialWashing UpLiquidEV8:10813EV8 - Window &Stainless SteelCleanerEV9:10812EV9 - ToiletCleanerA super concentratedan琀椀bacterial washing up liquidfor addi琀椀onal peace of mind, designedfor manual washing of kitchen utensilsand equipment where improved hygieneis required. Conforms to BS EN 1276 whendiluted to 0.1% under dirty condi琀椀ons....AND A DISPENSER FOR EVERY OCCASIONIncludes installa琀椀on to save you 琀椀me!Make your Evolu琀椀on concentrated cleaning products go further with these accurate dispensers, which are installed for youas part of the service, with a two-week turnaround.To 昀椀nd out more, get in touch with your Sales Manager or call us on 01359270536 today.CODE:10816CODE:10901Evolu琀椀on Sink DispenserEvolu琀椀on Flask DispenserThe Sink Dispenser is installed nextto sinks or basins for easy use. Simplypoint the nozzle over the sink anddispense using the lever into fresh,hand hot water.Then it’s a simple case of followingyour standard washing up rou琀椀ne,ensuring you rinse o昀昀 any suds beforeallowing to air dry on a draining rack.The number of doses used is up to youand may vary depending on the degreeof soiling.The Flask Dispenser is designed so that the 昀氀askwill lock into place for safe and accurate dosing.Simply pre-昀椀ll a heavy duty re昀椀ll 昀氀ask with clean,fresh water and sit the 昀氀ask on the pla琀昀orm.When in place, press the lever to dose theconcentrate.Then remove from the dispenser and a琀琀achedthe trigger head and you’re ready to clean.A modi昀椀ed 昀氀ask dispenser is available for our500ml heavy duty re昀椀ll bo琀琀les (ED9 - 10900)used in conjunc琀椀on with Evolu琀椀on Toilet Cleaner(EV9 - 10812).CODE:10815Evolu琀椀on Bucket DispenserThe bucket dispenser is 昀椀琀琀ed with anextension tube that sits closer to groundlevel so that a bucket can be placed safelyand securely underneath before dosing.The adjustable nozzle allows you to pointit directly into the bucket to reduce therisk of spillage.A simple press of the lever will safely dosethe required amount of concentrate intothe bucket.We advise users to add the concentrateto water and never water to concentrate,this is safer, improves dosage and dilu琀椀on.Thomas Ridley Foodservice... delivering food for life | 9
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