Texturas recipes spreads - Flipbook - Page 29
Crunchy LyoPiña
For the crunchy LyoPiña biscuit:
100g powdered LyoPiña
Amaretto in a water pulveriser
c.s. lemon peel
1 Croquanter Silpat
1 Croquanter stencil
1 Ezidri dehydrator
With a sieve sprinkle the powdered LyoPiña on a
dehydrator Silpat and the Croquanter stencil on top.
Place the Croquanter stencil on the Croquanter
Silpat and crush the Amaretto until the powdered
LyoPiña has hydrated 50%.
Put a pinch of freshly grated lemon peel on top of
each one.
Dehydrate at 45°C for 12 hours.
“Crispy is a selection of
lyophilized elaborations
maintaining its flavour, aroma
and original colour to add a
crunchy touch to your recipes.”