Texturas recipes spreads - Flipbook - Page 25
Dry Yopol Meringue
For the yoghurt serum:
300g natural yoghurt
1 sieve
For the 60% syrup:
100g water
60g sugar
For the Yopol meringue:
100g yoghurt serum
(prepared beforehand)
100g water
100g 60% syrup
(prepared beforehand)
12g powdered egg white Sevarome
15g Yopol
0.5g citric acid
1 Silpat Croquanter
1 Ezidri dehydrator
For the yoghurt serum:
Put the natural yoghurt in a sieve without pressing
in the refrigerator and leave for 8 hours for it to
release all its serum (this works better if you freeze
the yoghurt).
For the 60% syrup:
Put the water and the sugar in a saucepan and heat,
stirring constantly, until it comes to the boil. Keep in
the refrigerator until use.
For the Yopol meringue:
Put the yoghurt serum in the mixer with the water
and the syrup with rods, add the powdered egg
white and whip for 10 min.
Add the Yopol and the citric acid, stir lightly with
a spatula and put selected shapes in a Silpat
Croquanter which will go into the dehydrator for 12
hours at 50°C.