WHSS Prospectus May 2024 - Flipbook - Page 23
All students have the opportunity to access therapy as part of their admission to the school
which, as well as helping them to settle into school life as quickly as possible, also affords
staff an insight into how best to meet their individual needs.
Prior to admission, discussion takes place with parents/carers and fellow professionals to gain as much
information and insight as possible about the child’s interests and background which enables appropriate
matching of a student with a specific therapeutic intervention.
As well as easing the process of induction, our team of therapists are also then able to offer vital early
information to the wider staff team in relation to how best to meet the individual needs of students
from an emotionally supportive perspective. Future therapeutic work is planned as a result of referrals
from staff, parents/carers and students themselves.
In addition to carrying out a therapeutic assessment, each student is invited to meet with the school’s
consultant Educational Forensic, Clinical Psychologist; Occupational Therapist; and Specialist Speech
and Language Therapist as part of a broad initial assessment framework. By doing so, this allows us to
gain an up to date gauge of academic ability or degree of learning disability and provides the school with
an overview of any communication difficulties that might otherwise hinder the student’s progress.
In summary, this broad initial assessment
framework has proved to be extremely
important in affording school staff a
valuable insight into the needs of every
child, during what can potentially be a
stressful transition into a new school
8Parents and carers are delighted with the
progress that their
children make. Many refer to this school as
being the best thing to have
happened to their family.9
Ofsted, Nov 2023