WHSS Prospectus May 2024 - Flipbook - Page 21
Weekends and Outreach
The care curriculum extends to weekends, where young people can take
advantage of being in smaller groups. Staff offer a variety of activities and
personal development time. Activities include hiking and camping expeditions,
trips to local theme parks and many more.
Pocket Money
Social Progress
Young people are given weekly pocket
money through our 8positive behaviour’
reward system.
As well as the school9s social progress ladder,
young people are encouraged, with the support
of their key workers, to agree and set small
social targets.
They are also encouraged to contribute to the
costs of activities and use the school9s banking
schemes to save for special, personal items.
This encourages young people to develop
skills in budgeting and gain awareness of
other economic and financial factors.
These ensure that progress is made in a variety
of areas and directly link to the curriculum.
A wealth of rewards, linked to individual need,
are in place and these ensure that young
people are continually recognized for their