WHSS Prospectus May 2024 - Flipbook - Page 16
Health, Social care and Welfare
Admissions and
Assessment House
We seek to promote a positive atmosphere based on a
sense of community and shared values, where shared
activities, learning experiences and reflective thinking are
an integral part of everyday activity. Students are
encouraged to take a full and active part in the curriculum.
and semi-
Promoting the health and welfare of young people is a key principle
independent Living
and as such young people are encouraged to access many support
mechanisms on offer. This ensures that their care, health, welfare
and safety are always maintained to a high standard. Young people
are encouraged to share their joys and successes, concerns and
experience and
reflective thinking
grievances, and are provided with many means for doing this.
All young people are registered with a GP, dentist and optician
where necessary. This ensures that young people keep up with
appointments and receive regular check-ups. Some carers opt to
Wide range of fun
and stimulating
keep their own registered practitioners. Where young people require
the attention of any other health service the School Nurse makes the
necessary arrangements and liaises with carers and professionals to
ensure that all needs are met and that the appropriate course of
treatment/support is coordinated.
Promoting health
and welfare
Safeguarding and Child Protection is managed by our Safeguarding
Team who are all trained as Designated Safeguarding Leads. They
have a responsibility for managing, delivering and securing training.
Preparation for
the world of work
The school works in harmony with the Local Authority Designated
Officer and this ensures that any concerns are quickly and efficiently