College Prospectus Vol.1 - Flipbook - Page 4
The William Henry Smith Specialist College is for young adults who have additional social,
emotional and mental health needs and prepares them for adult life and facilitates their
transition into further education, training or employment. We provide care, education,
health, and therapy through the delivery of proactive, creative, and person-first responsive
practice steeped in trauma specialism.
The William Henry Smith Specialist College is part of The Smith Foundation, which
comprises of The William Henry Smith School & Sixth Form and Boothroyd Childrens Home.
The college moved to new premises in Elland, Halifax in September 2021 and the college is
currently expanding due to acquiring another building next door. All learners have an EHCP
and are funded through the ESFA and their Local Authority for a three year period. The
College provides day provision for 25 learners aged 16-25. Learners study on programmes
that are appropriate to their personal learning needs and all learners follow a completely
bespoke pathway. All pathways include the 8Preparation for Adulthood9 framework.