Lumen Winter 2016 - Flipbook - Page 17
I was just so
excited at what I was
seeing for the first
time – watching that
spark of life, a process
that I never imagined
I would see.
Robinson Research Institute healthy children for life
The health and wellbeing of every
child is determined by a complex
interaction of genes, environmental
factors and experiences during
development, starting from the
moment of conception. Each
of us comes into the world with
unique potential, which is laid down
before birth and sets the course
of health over the life trajectory.
Understanding how lifestyle factors,
environment and genes interact to
influence reproduction, pregnancy
and birth is vital for ensuring our
children have the best prospects
for optimal growth, effective
learning and a healthy life, and are
protected from chronic conditions.
The Robinson Research
Institute is a collective of almost
400 internationally renowned
researchers and students
advancing knowledge and
improving practise in human
reproduction, pregnancy and
child health.
Institute members focus on the
early stages of life to promote
health and well-being in children
and families over the life course
and across generations, in
Australia and around the world.
The research strives to enable
a healthy start through preconception planning, nurturing
the baby during pregnancy and
birth, strengthening the brain and
body in early life, and advancing
child and adolescent health to
treat and prevent disease.
If you would like to support the Robinson Research Institute to help
progress our research please contact
The University of Adelaide | Alumni Magazine 15