Lumen Winter 2014 - Flipbook - Page 16
Professor Carver and group with WRESAT satellite, 1967
Milestones and achievements
First Festival of Arts—venues included
the University’s Union Hall
1960 Adelaide Choral Society formed
1960 Construction of Napier building
of Patrick White plays
1961 Trilogy
premiered by the Theatre Guild
Campaign Committee
1961 Anti-Cancer
renamed the Anti-Cancer Foundation
of the University of Adelaide
John Carver became Elder Professor
of Physics until 1978
Masters of Business Administration
program is established
Emeritus Professor Peter Karmel (PhD
ad eundem gradum) becomes the first
Vice-Chancellor of Flinders University
WRESAT, the first Australian satellite
was launched from Woomera
following a joint venture between the
Weapons Research Establishment
and the University Physics
Department led by Professor
John Carver
Jefferson Bray appointed
1967 John
Chief Justice of the Supreme
1968 Court of South Australia and
Chancellor of the University
Barr Smith Library
new western entrance
14 Lumen | Winter 2014
Lower Napier with Exhibition Building in background, 1961
Benham legacy boosts
English literature
Major works of English literature have
been added to the University library
thanks to the generosity of Edward
Warner Benham, a lawyer and part-time
lecturer in property law from 1910–1938.
In 1969, Mr Benham left a William Blake
watercolour, a reproduction of Progress
of Poesy worth almost $200,000, to
purchase works in English literature,
British history and the law of property,
private international law and British
legal history.
The endowment has enabled significant
purchases in English literature, notably
relating to William Blake, and also helped
the library develop a fine collection in
British history.
Progress of Poesy by William Blake
Campus at capacity
By the middle of the decade, the University
community exceeded 8,000 students and staff,
and in 1965 the number of graduates exceeded
1,000 for the first time. The North Terrace
campus reached capacity in 1966, and the
decision was made to separate the University of
Adelaide at Bedford Park and establish it as the
independent Flinders University.