Lumen Winter 2013 - Flipbook - Page 20
a noble goal
“The founders’ vision was of a student body of
democratic breadth and brilliance, recruited
regardless of their background and means; and a
goal of preparing educated leaders for the State,
the nation and the world”. Vice-Chancellor and
President, Professor Warren Bebbington.
18 Lumen | Winter 2013
he University of Adelaide was
founded with a noble goal: to
prepare young leaders for South
Australia shaped by education rather than
by birth or wealth.
“Over the years, generous donors
have supported this ideal by enabling
scholarships that transform the lives
of outstanding young people who may
otherwise not have the opportunity to
access a tertiary education”, said ViceChancellor and President, Professor
Warren Bebbington.
Grateful scholarship recipients
Christopher Smith, Rosalie Hoff and
Christina Theodore-Smith exemplify the
talent and commitment of students who
benefit from this generosity.
Christopher and Rosalie both travel for
several hours to get to university each day
and all three students come from families
who are financially struggling to support
their study.