Lumen Waite 100 - Flipbook - Page 5
Treasures of Waite:
Objects of interest
from around campus
12 The Gatehouse lives | How the
painstaking de- and reconstruction
of the Urrbrae Gatehouse came to
be, and news of its revived relevance
on campus.
14 People of Waite | Meet the staff
and volunteers keeping Waite in
tip-top condition.
18 In the vines for harvest 2024 |
Frolic with us amid the vines on a
picking day as we explore Waite’s
wine education program.
22 Breeding time | University of
Adelaide scientists have spent a
century improving plant breeding,
for the benefit of growers around
the world.
34 Name these buildings | Put a
face to the namesakes of buildings
around campus and discover their
hidden legacies.
55 Consumer research | The pursuit
of knowledge is noble, but when
performed in the service of better
burgers and beer it is divine.
About our cover
For the cover of our Waite 100 special
edition of Lumen, we wanted to illustrate
the difficulty of encapsulating a century of
history into a 64-page magazine – so we
decided to capture that same legacy in a
single glass vase.
Special thanks to Isaac Freeman, who
photographed the cover, and Sky Allen of
Arcadia Aquatic, who arranged the still life
within the vase. Plant matter was grown,
collected and supplied to us with help from
Benjamin McGorm, James Cowley, Jenny
Mortimer, Jonathan Diab, Kate Delaporte,
Lieke van der Hulst, Matthew Denton, Rachel Burton, Rakesh David and Ranjit Das.
Excellence through collaboration has been
a consistent theme in all the stories we’ve
reported for this magazine and aligns with
the vision Peter and Matilda Waite had for
the land they gifted to the University of
Adelaide. The cover, too, was a team effort.
Thanks to everyone involved.
Johnny von Einem,
Guest Editor—Waite 100