Lumen Waite 100 - Flipbook - Page 30
National Wheat and Barley
Molecular Marker Programs
established at the Waite.
2004 Plant
Genomics Centre
officially opened.
1998 Wheat variety Yitpi
released. Royalties from this
variety were used to establish
the Yitpi Foundation, which
supports research and education
in the fields of crop science
and social science focused on
the linguistics of Australian
languages and the cultures of
Australian Aboriginal people.
1998 Hickinbotham
Roseworthy Wine
Science Laboratory
established, named
in honour of Alan
Robb Hickinbotham
and Roseworthy
Agricultural College.
2001 Friends of the
Waite Conservation
Reserve formally
2005 Professor Mike
McLaughlin, a soil
specialist, is appointed
as the University of
Adelaide and CSIRO’s
first Joint Professor, in
the School of Earth and
Environmental Sciences.
2003 Angove’s Still
House opened at
the Hickinbotham
Roseworthy Wine
Science Laboratory.
2002 The Waite
Agricultural Research
Institute’s wheat breeding
program privatised,
incorporated into Australian
Grain Technologies.