Lumen Summer 2017 - Flipbook - Page 31
Alumni Awards
From a pioneer in
Fighting for equal rights
multisensory communication Jane Sloane
(BA (Hons) 1985)
to the Head of State
An exceptional
Opera in South Australia,
humanitarian, Jane is a
this year’s Distinguished
multiple award winner
who has dedicated much
Alumni Awards showcase
of her life to advancing
achievements of our alumni
women9s human rights
in diverse Þelds and from
and the rights of marginalised people
and populations.
around the globe.
Probing the
structure of matter
Dr Wolodymyr ‘Wally’
(BSc (Hons) 1989,
PhD (Sc) 1984)
Wally is an internationally
renowned scientist in
nuclear and particle
She is currently vice-president of programs
with the Global Fund for Women in
San Francisco.
Currently senior theoretical nuclear physicist
at Jefferson Lab in Virginia, USA, he is
recognised worldwide for his work dedicated
to understanding the structure of matter at
its most fundamental level.
She has been a dedicated leader for various
humanitarian organisations including World
Vision Australia, Women9s World Banking,
Social Entrepreneurs Network and the
International Women9s Development Agency.
In 1994, Wally9s research was recognised
with the Bragg Gold Medal by the
Australian Institute of Physics and in 2006
he was elected a Fellow of the American
Physical Society.
Advancing the arts
Tireless community worker
Innovation in mixed reality
Timothy Sexton
Dr Kenneth Collins, AM
Professor Adrian Cheok
(BMus (Hons) 1985,
Grad Dip Ed 1988)
(MBBS 1960)
(BE (Elec) 1994, PhD 1999)
For most of his life
Kenneth has been
dedicated to helping
others as a medical
practitioner and through
extensive community
service in a range of civic organisations.
A pioneer in mixed
reality and multisensory
communication, Adrian
has been recognised
internationally through
multiple awards for his
innovation and leadership.
For 31 years he has been involved
continuously with Rotary9s Polio Eradication
Campaign which has seen the incidence
of polio reduced from 500,000 cases in
150 countries in 1985 to 23 cases in three
countries to the end of August 2016. Through
Rotary and community service involvement,
he has made an impact to the lives of millions
of people directly or in directly.
The founder of the Imagineering Institute
in Malaysia and the Mixed Reality Lab in
Singapore, some of his ground breaking
works include innovative and interactive
games such as 3dlive, Human Pacman
and Huggy Pajama.
he awards are in recognition
of alumni who have enhanced
the reputation of the University
of Adelaide through outstanding
service to the community or who have
made an outstanding contribution in
their chosen ûelds.
Timothy is head of the
State Opera of South
Australia and one of
Australia9s foremost
musicians and innovative
artistic directors.
His varied career has encompassed public
speaking, conducting and performing,
radio broadcasting for the ABC and music
composition, most notably for children9s
theatre and vocal works.
His contribution to music in this State was
recognised in 2008 with the Premier9s Ruby
Award for Sustained Contribution to the Arts
by an Individual. The following year he was
named the SA Great South Australian of the
Year in the arts category.
His service has extended to numerous
overseas humanitarian projects and
innumerable committees and organisations.
Adrian also invented the world9s ûrst electric
and thermal taste machine, which produces
virtual tastes with electric current and
thermal energy.
To see more about our distinguished alumni
|e University of Adelaide | Alumni Magazine 29