Lumen Summer 2016 - Flipbook - Page 31
The class of 1965 looks back fondly
In his keynote address Rob looked back
fondly on his uni days not so much for the
time spent in the laboratory but the many
extracurricular activities he engaged in.
“I was the student for whom the terms
‘mediocre’ and ‘should try harder’ might
have been invented, but in my defence I
have to say that my university days were
anything but idle,” he said.
In between classes Rob found time for
judo, jazz, intervarsity trips, writing for On Dit
and performing in Theatre Guild Productions
and Footlights Revues. The Revuers still get
on stage with their satirical shows at the
Adelaide Fringe: “a bunch of creaky, grumpy
thespians refusing to let go of the sheer
enjoyment of University life.”
“I didn’t realise then that those extracurricular experiences would prove at least
as influential in my later careers as my
academic efforts,” said Rob.
“All of us can look back on careers for
which this university fitted us very well indeed;
we have reasons to be grateful and today
offers us a chance to recognise that.”
View photos from the 2015 Golden Jubilee
and find out more about reunions at
While recalling their uni days, the Class of ‘65 talked fondly of their
memories of lunch on the lawns, eating chips and cheese toasties
in the Refectory, glamorous faculty balls and madcap Prosh antics.
They were also inspired by brilliant, pace-setting lecturers who
made long-lasting impacts on their diverse and significant careers.
The grandeur and tradition
of our graduation ceremony
was most memorable and
remains the pinnacle of my
University education.
Dr Brian Duffy, MBBS, D(Obst) RCOG,
Brian Duffy
at his graduation
with his mother
Mary Sheila Duffy
Brian Duffy (far left) with fellow Class of 1965 MBBS graduates
Sandra and Maie, organic chemistry
department 1964 (second row,
third and fourth from right)
A class act
At the Golden Jubilee luncheon,
Rob Morrison encouraged his fellow
class of ‘65 graduates to consider
supporting the 1965 Class Gift so that
they can have a direct impact on the
future of research.
Established by the Class of 1961
at their Golden Jubilee reunion, the
Class Gift supports excellence in
research by providing a supplementary
scholarship for an outstanding
postgraduate candidate. Thanks to
the class of 1964 who donated a total
of nearly $30,000, Craig Jones (MSc
2007) was given the opportunity to
conduct world-first research in data
science and visual computing.
There’s still time to support
the Class of 1965 Class Gift by
donating securely online at
It was a time of freedom, of
spreading my wings. I remember
the Science Association, the uni
balls, the geology excursions,
Prosh Night and sitting in
the refectory drinking coffee
and eating toasted cheese
Maie-Anne Barrow (nee Talmet),
BSc 1964, BSc (Hons) 1965
I captained the University A
netball team for three years and we
won the intervarsity three times,
thrashing all opposition.
Sandra Reynolds (nee Worthley) BSc, BSc (Hons), MSc
Sandra Reynolds featured
as ‘Sportsgirl of the week’
in On Dit, 1967
Still great friends: Maie-Anne Barrow and Sandra
Reynolds at the 2015 Golden Jubilee reunion
The University of Adelaide | Alumni Magazine 29