Lumen Summer 2015 - Flipbook - Page 31
I recall it as a day
of mixed emotions – the
overwhelming emotion was
relief that at long last all my
exams were over.
Margaret Nyland AM
Town Hall balcony surrounded by 300,000
fans and later performing in Centennial
Hall, a venue well-known to university
students who sweltered there in summer
during end of year exams.
Nine graduates from the Diploma
of Physiotherapy course attended the
Golden Jubilee, including Gail Hamilton
and Ann Winnall.
Gail said the reunion was a trip down
memory lane and a wonderful opportunity to
catch up with old friends and share memories
of the days of study and fun at university.
“My physiotherapy year was a small
cohesive group and these personal
connections have given me life-long
friendships,” she said.
“The reunion highlighted the changes
we have seen over the decades, both for
the good and those things lost.”
Ann said she thoroughly enjoyed every
minute of her time at the University. “I
wanted to do physio from when I was age
14 – I knew it was the best course for me
and it ticked all my boxes.”
The reunion was also an opportunity
for the Class of ’64 to leave a legacy for
future students.
Margaret encouraged the graduates to
contribute to a Class Gift, championed
by fellow classmate Roger Lang, to
establish the Class of 1964 Scholarship,
a tradition started at the Class of 1961
Golden Jubilee in 2011. The scholarship
will support excellence in research by
providing a supplementary scholarship for
an outstanding PhD candidate.
“It would be nice to think that in 50
years time the graduates of 2014 will be
able to say how lucky they were to have
had the support provided by the Class of
1964,” she said.
Below left: The 1964 graduating class of the
Diploma of Physiotherapy
Below right: Graduates of the Diploma of
Physiotherapy at the 2014 Golden Jubilee reunion
Front row: Ann Winnall, Kate Hislop,
Norm Peart, Virginia Rowland
Back row: Jan Jones, Irene Campbell,
Adrienne Burns, Gail Hamilton, Bobbie Laycock
Main photo: Golden Jubilee Class of 1964
(photos by James Field)
Visit for more details about
the Class Gift, to view photos from the 2014 Golden Jubilee and find out
about the 2015 Golden Jubilee reunion.
|e University of Adelaide | Alumni Magazine 29