Lumen Summer 2015 - Flipbook - Page 26
story by Natalie Gibbs
Supporting young
leaders of tomorrow
The University of Adelaide’s Council Secretary Nicole Beaumont knows
exactly what it’s like to be a new student venturing into an exciting world
of modern technology, innovation and historical achievement.
ut the life of a young student
is not always easy. As a young
undergraduate and then PhD
student at La Trobe University, Melbourne,
Nicole remembers stumbling her way
through hard times trying to gather
enough money to travel the world to
present her research.
“When I was doing my PhD my first
travel funds came from the British
Phycological Society and I continued to
win small grants from them to present my
research in different parts of the world,”
she says. “I wondered at the time whether
there was the will in Australia to support a
young researcher.”
Then in 2000 Nicole made the decision
to move to South Australia and take
up her first postdoctoral position at the
University of Adelaide. “This is where I am,
this is where my life is now and I’ve had
three stints at the University of Adelaide,
as both a researcher and as a professional
staff member. It is a splendid university.”
Nicole became Council Secretary two
years ago and strongly believes that
she should give something back to the
University to enable others to have the
opportunities she struggled to achieve.
“I just wanted to make it easier for
somebody else,” say Nicole. “I can afford
to do that now, so I donate through my
wage each fortnight through the Staff
Workplace Giving program.
Staff workplace giving
To find out more about staff
workplace giving and other
ways to give back to the
University of Adelaide visit
“It’s so rewarding to help somebody,
it brings enormous delight, especially for
a young student with lots of vigour and
excitement at the start of their career.
What could be better than helping
someone to get on their way?”
“The Staff Workplace Giving program
is so easy to sign up to and my donation
is made through my pay so I don’t
even notice it. If you can afford to give
something to somebody less fortunate
than yourself, then you should.”
It’s so rewarding to think
that you are helping somebody,
it just brings enormous
delight... What could be
better than helping someone
to get on their way?
Left: Nicole Beaumont (photo by Michael Mullan)
24 Lumen | Summer 2015