Lumen Summer 2014 - Flipbook - Page 35
A Short Introduction
to Clim ate Change
Emeritus Professor
Tony Eggleton
(B Sc (Hons) 1960,
D Sc 1999)
A Short Introduction to Climate Change,
takes the claims and counterclaims of
climate change scientists and sceptics alike
and tests them against fundamental scientific
principles. Professor Eggleton uses the
integrity of the scientific data as the only true
and constant yardstick by which to measure
the accuracy of competing arguments.
W ed n esd a y 18 Decem b er
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Place of Pines
A historical fiction novel, Place of Pines
begins in England in 1913, sweeps through
two generations, two World Wars, the
Depression in Australia and the Resistance
in France during World War II.
Bonython Hall,
North Terrace Campus,
University of Adelaide carols
We invite you to bring
a book or toy for the
Gifting Tree, in support
of The Smith Family.
By Judith Brown
(BA (Hons) 2004)
Citizen J ane: transform ative
citizenship in a globalized world
Jane Sloane
(BA 1985)
Carols on
“If you really want to make a positive
difference in the world, you should focus on
conflict resolution and citizen led change.”
Nelson Mandela’s advice to Jane helped
shape her path and led her on a journey to
become a global advocate for advancing
women’s and girls’ human rights. Jane
writes about being a participant in the rise
of a global women’s movement and a global
citizenship movement, and the opportunities
and challenges inherent in this momentum
for social change.