Lumen Summer 2014 - Flipbook - Page 10
story by Ge n e vie ve Sa n ch e z
Nola’s hands-on
trauma training gets results
Graduating in 1997 among
the first group of critical
care nurses to be trained at
the University of Adelaide,
Nola Pearce has gone on
to apply her skills in a very
unique field.
hrough the use of trauma makeup (moulage), special effects and
props, Nola creates realistic training
scenarios to prepare medical and military
personnel for emergency situations.
Having enjoyed her ûrst attempts at
basic moulage using play-dough and fake
blood as a young St John Ambulance
cadet, Nola later used similar techniques
when training ûrst aiders and medics.
But a lack of realism in emergency
medical training in Australia led Nola to
travel to the United States to undertake
trauma simulation training. She was
taught by experienced Hollywood special
effects artists, moulage technicians and
army medics.