Lumen Spring Summer 2023 - Flipbook - Page 5
It was the first time an Australian had been
in space as a NASA astronaut (although
Australian-born Paul Scully-Power, an
American oceanographer, flew in Challenger
from 5–13 October 1984, as a civilian
payload specialist).
Andy retired from NASA
in 2014. His contribution to
the University of Adelaide,
however, continues. Not
only is he an honoured
alum, he is also deeply
involved in the Andy
Thomas Centre for
Space Resources.
This centre brings together the University
of Adelaide’s collective exploration, mining,
manufacturing and engineering research
strengths to address the challenges faced
by long-term planetary exploration, while
ensuring near-term applications here
on Earth.
“We are truly proud of our very
distinguished graduate, Doctor Andy
Thomas,” University of Adelaide ViceChancellor Professor Peter Høj says.
“We celebrate all of his many
accomplishments of the past, and his
important ongoing contributions to our
“On behalf of our entire community, I
congratulate him on all he has achieved, and
thank him for all he has done, and continues
to do, for us.”
Mark Douglas is the Editor of Lumen, and
Corporate Communications Coordinator for
the University of Adelaide.
Take a trip
into space
As part of the celebration of 50 years since Andy Thomas first
graduated from our University, we are pleased to present our readers
with this unique “space simulation” created by researchers and
students within the Department of Media, School of Humanities –
our experts in virtual reality, mixed reality and augmented reality.
If you access this link - - on your
computer (it’s too large a file to work on most mobile devices, and may
take some time to load), you will be “transported” into space. The US
Space Shuttle Endeavour is in sight, and by clicking and dragging, you
can fly it around above an image of Earth, as it would have been seen
by Dr Thomas.
Floating around the shuttle are various objects relating to our
University’s links with space and exploration, many of which Andy
took with him into orbit.
These are now a treasured part of the University’s collection of
historical objects and artefacts.
The render of Earth and its multiple interactive “satellites” was created by a
team led by Steven Cook, Senior Lecturer within the Department of Media,
Program Director of the Master of Immersive Technology program and Head
of the Realities Extended business unit.