TPG Full Version 6a 25 MAY 2023 (For Digital PDF) - Flipbook - Page 54
Leadership & Management
Leading and Managing People with ADHD
Delivery mode: In person OR Virtual
Duration: 1 Day
As a business leader, managing a diverse workforce is key to the success of your organisation.
One group that requires unique management strategies is individuals with Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects
approximately 5% of adults in Australia. Managing individuals with ADHD can present challenges,
but it can also offer benefits such as increased creativity, hyperfocus, and an ability to think
outside the box.
This course is designed to equip business leaders with the knowledge and skills needed to
effectively manage individuals with ADHD. This course will provide a comprehensive understanding
of ADHD, its impact on workplace performance, and practical strategies to support and manage
employees with ADHD. It will also offer techniques to create an inclusive and supportive work
environment for all employees, leveraging the unique strengths of individuals with ADHD.
By taking this course, business leaders will be able to create a more productive, innovative, and
inclusive workplace culture that benefits everyone.
Learning Outcomes
• Understand what ADHD is and how it can
impact workplace performance
• Create an inclusive and supportive work
environment for employees with ADHD
• Develop strategies to support and
manage employees with ADHD
• Increase productivity and job satisfaction for
employees with ADHD
• Improve communication and
collaboration with employees with ADHD
• Learn how to accommodate and utilise the
unique strengths of individuals with ADHD in
the workplace
To find out more go to
Leadership and Management
Human Resources
Health Safety & Wellbeing