TPG Full Version 6a 25 MAY 2023 (For Digital PDF) - Flipbook - Page 291
Carmelle Hedges
By developing highly interactive training materials and courses
and providing virtual and In person training, Carmelle ensures
participants are upskilled through quality learning opportunities
that are meaningful and relevant, drawing upon their existing
Rob Chiarolli
Rob comes from a 25-year sales, marketing and leadership career
and has been coaching and facilitating professional development
since 2008.
Rob’s core focus is on developing sound and scalable business
strategies, optimising systems, and processes, and helping
leaders and their teams create open and functional cultures and
communication channels. As an accredited DISC consultant
and trainer, Rob is passionate about human behaviour and
the importance of self-awareness to help influence effective
communication and connection at work and at home.
Amanda Rosazza
Amanda’s passion is for creating memorable and fun learning
experiences which empower participants to make positive changes
that stick. Energy is her superpower and there is never a dull
moment in her training rooms.
While Customer and Employee Experience are her darlings, she
facilitates across a wide range of disciplines.
Practical Professional Development (PPD) is a division of The Proven Group