Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of theNursing fLASHCARDS - Part 1 (1) - Flipbook - Page 125
A1c 6.0-6.4 Treatment is lifestyle
modifications (Exercise 5 days a
week/ 30 minutes on each of
those days. Limit carbohydrate
Type II Diabetes
A1c: greater than or equal to 6.5.
Fasting glucose greater than or
equal to 126.
First line treatment is Metformin
(may cause diarrhea), initiate
insulin if A1c is greater than or
equal to 10.
Medical History of DM, HTN, and
Hyperlipidemia is classified as
Metabolic Syndrome.
Be sure to monitor: Patient’s feet,
eyes, cholesterol, and kidneys.