The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar eBook - Book - Page 98
8 : N O A H
Genealogy Of The
Descendants Of Shem:
Noah And His Sons
Divide The Whole Earth
Before Babel
(8:1-30; cf. Gen. 10)
1373 A.M.
1 In the twenty-ninth jubilee, in
the first week, in the beginning
thereof Arpachshad took to
himself a wife and her name
was Râsû’jâ, [the daughter of
Sûsân,] the daughter of Elam,
1375 A.M. and she bare him a son in the
Kainam , third year in this week, and
not to be
confused with he called his name Kâinâm.
Canaan from
Ham, occurs 2 And the son grew, and his
in the LXX of father taught him writing, and
Gn. 11:13,
but not in the he went to seek for himself a
MT or other
Versions. It place where he might seize
also occurs
in the for himself a city. 3 And he
genealogy in
Luke 3:36. found a writing which former
Note he is
the origin of (generations) had carved on
the occult
doctrine. One the rock, and he read what was
must wonder
why Luke thereon, and he transcribed it
and the LXX and sinned owing to it; for it
Gn. record
him with Jb. contained the teaching of the
but not the
modern Gn. Watchers in accordance with
The pre-flood
teachings of which they used to observe
the Watchers
crossed over the omens of the sun and
the Flood.
moon and stars in all the signs
of heaven. 4 And he wrote
it down and said nothing
regarding it; for he was afraid
to speak to Noah about it lest
he should be angry with him
on account of it. 5 And in the
1429 A.M.
thirtieth jubilee, in the second
week, in the first year thereof,
he took to himself a wife, and
her name was Mêlkâ, the
daughter of Madai, the son
1432 A.M.
of Japheth, and in the fourth
year he begat a son, and called Cf. Gn. 10:24
his name Shelah; for he said: Aparonomasia
is implied in
“Truly I have been sent.”
the original
6 [And in the fourth year he Hebrew here.
was born], and Shelah grew
up and took to himself a wife,
and her name was Mû’ak, the
daughter of Kêsêd, his father’s
1499 A.M.
brother, in the one and thirtieth
jubilee, in the fifth week, in
the first year thereof. 7 And
she bare him a son in the fifth 1503 A.M.
year thereof, and he called his
name Eber: and he took unto
himself a wife, and her name
was ’Azûrâd the daughter of Read ’Azûrâ.
Nêbrôd, in the thirty-second 1564 A.M.
jubilee, in the seventh week, in
the third year thereof. 8 And
in the sixth year thereof, she 1567 A.M.
bare him a son, and he called
Cf. Gn. 10:25
his name Peleg; for in the days There is
when he was born the children atheplay
of Noah began to divide the Hebrew)
the meaning
the name
earth amongst themselves: for ofPeleg
this reason he called his name Peleg
into Pulag
Peleg. 9 And they divided (it) meaning “it
was divided.”
secretly amongst themselves,
and told it to Noah. 10 And it
came to pass in the beginning 1569 A.M.
of the thirty-third jubilee that This
they divided the earth into division
three parts, for Shem and by
Ham and Japheth, according division.