The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar eBook - Book - Page 76
6 : T H E
Noah’s Sacrifice;
Yahuah’s Covenant with
him (cf. Gen. 8:20-9:17).
Instructions to Moses
about eating of Blood, the
Feast of Weeks, etc., and
Division of the Year
1 And on the new moon of
Cf. Gn. 8:20 the third month he went forth
The mountain
is Lubar. from the ark, and built an altar
There is no on that mountain.
needed 2 And he made atonement
unless the
law has for the earth, and took a kid
been broken.
Noah’s law, and made atonement by its
similar to that
of Moses is blood for all the guilt of the
defined in earth; for everything that had
Jub. 7:20.
There has been on it had been destroyed,
always been
law. save those that were in the
ark with Noah. 3 And he
placed the fat thereof on the
altar, and he took an ox, and
a goat, and a sheep and kids,
Noah knew
the purpose and salt, and a turtle-dove,
and ritual
of sacrifice. and the young of a dove, and
Jub. 3:27
Adam and placed a burnt sacrifice on the
Jub. 4:25
Enoch altar, and poured thereon an
sacrifices offering mingled with oil, and
as well. This sprinkled wine and strewed
was not new.
We know frankincense over everything,
Abraham did
as well long and caused a goodly savour
before the
law of Moses. to arise, acceptable before
Yahuah. 4 And Yahuah smelt
Cf. the goodly savour, and He
3:27, 4:25
Gn. 8:21 made a covenant with him
that there should not be any
Cf. Gn. 9:11 more a flood to destroy the
earth; that all the days of the
earth seed-time and harvest
should never cease; cold and
heat, and summer and winter,
and day and night should
not change their order, nor Cf. Gn. 8:22
cease for ever. 5 “And you,
increase ye and multiply upon
the earth, and become many
upon it, and be a blessing Cf. Gn. 9:7
upon it. The fear of you and
the dread of you I shall inspire
in everything that is on earth Cf. Gn. 9:2
and in the sea. 6 And behold I
have given unto you all beasts,
and all winged things, and
everything that moveth on
the earth, and the fish in the
waters, and all things for food;
as the green herbs, I have
Cf. Gn. 9:2, 3
given you all things to eat.
7 But flesh, with the life thereof,
with the blood, ye shall not eat;
for the life of all flesh is in the
blood, lest your blood of your
lives be required. At the hand
of every man, at the hand of
every (beast), shall I require
Cf. Gn. 9:4, 5
the blood of man. 8 Whoso
sheddeth man’s blood by man
shall his blood be shed; for in
the image of Elohim made He Cf. Gn. 9:6
man. 9 And you, increase ye,
and multiply on the earth.”
10 And Noah and his sons
swore that they would not
eat any blood that was in any
flesh, and he made a covenant
before Yahuah Elohim for ever