The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar eBook - Book - Page 70
4 : G E N E R A T I O N S
was moreover with the angels
of Elohim these six jubilees
of years, and they showed
him everything which is on
Cf. En.23-36
This is why earth and in the heavens, the
Noah knew rule of the sun, and he wrote
the entire
earth as you down everything. 22 And he
will see in the
mapping in testified to the Watchers, who
Ch. 8-9.
had sinned with the daughters
of men; for these had begun
to unite themselves, so as to
be defiled, with the daughters
of men, and Enoch testified
against (them) all. 23 And
he was taken from amongst
the children of men, and
we conducted him into the
Cf. En.70:1-3
Garden of Eden in majesty
and honour, and behold
there he writeth down the
condemnation and judgment
of the world, and all the
Cf. En.12:3 f, wickedness of the children of
men. 24 And on account of it
(God) brought the waters of
Cf. 2 En.34:3 the flood upon all the land of
Enoch is not
in Heaven Eden; for there he was set as a
but resides in sign and that he should testify
the Garden
of Eden against all the children of men,
until Day of
Judgment. that he should recount all the
Eden is not
the Garden. deeds of the generations until
Cf. 10:17
the day of condemnation.
Cf. Cave of 25 And he burnt the incense
Gold, of the sanctuary, (even) sweet
acceptable before
and myrrh. spices,
Cf. Ex.30:7 Yahuah on the Mount.
26 For Yahuah hath four places
on the earth, the Garden of
Eden, and the Mount of the
East, and this mountain on Three
of these
which thou art this day, Mount places
Sinai, and Mount Zion (which) with
events in the
will be sanctified in the new history of the
world; Eden
creation for a sanctification of (with Adam),
Sinai (with
the earth; through it will the Moses), Zion
(with David).
earth be sanctified from all Garden of
and Mt.
(its) guilt and its uncleanness Eden
of the East
throughout the generations are
and one will
of the world. 27 And in the find
located in the
fourteenth jubilee Methuselah Chapter
took unto himself a wife, as Jub. maps
these firmly.
Ednâ the daughter of ’Âzrîâl,
Cf. 1:29
the daughter of his father’s
652 A.M.
brother, in the third week,
654 A.M.
in the first year of this week,
and he begat a son and called
his name Lamech. 28 And Cf. Gn. 5:25
in the fifteenth jubilee in the 707 A.M.
third week Lamech took to
himself a wife, and her name
was Bêtênôs the daughter
of Bârâkî’îl, the daughter
of his father’s brother, and
in this week she bare him a
son and he called his name
Noah, saying, “This one will
comfort me for my trouble
and all my work, and for the
ground which Yahuah hath
Cf. Gn. 5:29
cursed.” 29 And at the close
930 A.M.
of the nineteenth jubilee, in
the seventh week in the sixth
year thereof, Adam died, and
all his sons buried him in the
land of his creation, and he Cf. 3:32
was the first to be buried in
the earth. 30 And he lacked
seventy years of one thousand