The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar eBook - Book - Page 61
2 : C R E A T I O N
in the mountains and on all
the earth, and all the lakes,
and all the dew of the earth,
and the seed which is sown,
and all sprouting things, and
fruit-bearing trees, and trees
of the wood, and the garden
of Eden, in Eden, and all
(plants after their kind). These
four great works God created
on the third day. 8 And on
Cf. Gen.
1:14-19; the fourth day He created
2 En. 30:2-6
the sun and the moon and
Note Jub. the stars, and set them in the
sets forth
the sun as firmament of the heaven, to
the measure give light upon all the earth,
for days,
Sabbaths and to rule over the day and
months, the night, and divide the light
feasts and
years. There from the darkness. 9 And
are feasts
that begin God appointed the sun to be
with the
moon such a great sign on the earth for
as Passover
and the Day days and for sabbaths and
of Atonement
but the sun is for months and for feasts and
appointed as for years and for sabbaths
the measure.
This is of years and for jubilees and
throughout for all seasons of the years.
Jubilees. The
moon is not 10 And it divideth the light
omitted as
suggested by from the darkness [and] for
Charles, it is
the previous prosperity, that all things may
sentence and
established prosper which shoot and grow
as disrupting
the calendar, on the earth. These three
Jub. 6:36-38. kinds He made on the fourth
This matches
the Gn. day. 11 And on the fifth day
account He created great sea monsters
which on
Day 1 sets in the depths of the waters, for
forth the Day
first and then these were the first things of
night. This
also proves a flesh that were created by His
Pharisee did
not write this hands, the fish and everything
that moves in the waters, and
bodies of
water, rivers
and lakes
compose the
There was no
rain but dew
on the earth.
Gn. 2:5.
everything that flies, the birds
and all their kind. 12 And
the sun rose above them to
prosper (them), and above
everything that was on the
earth, everything that shoots
out of the earth, and all fruitbearing trees, and all flesh.
These three kinds He created
on the fifth day. 13 And on
the sixth day He created all
the animals of the earth, and
all cattle, and everything that
moves on the earth. 14 And
after all this He created man, a
man and a woman created He
them, and gave him dominion
over all that is upon the earth,
and in the seas, and over
everything that flies, and over
beasts and over cattle, and
over everything that moves on
the earth, and over the whole
earth, and over all this He
gave him dominion. And these
four kinds He created on the
sixth day. 15 And there were
altogether two and twenty
kinds. 16 And He finished all
His work on the sixth day--all
that is in the heavens and on
the earth, and in the seas and
in the abysses, and in the light
and in the darkness, and in
everything. 17 And He gave
us a great sign, the Sabbath
day, that we should work six
days, but keep Sabbath on the
seventh day from all work.
Cf. Gen.
1:20-23; 2En.
30:7 2Esd.
6:47-52. Sea
monsters are
inclusive of
Job 3, 40, 41;
Ps. 74:14,
Is. 27:1. It
certainly is
not locusts
as Charles
quotes a
Cf. Gen.1:2428;
2 En. 30:8 f.
This appears
22 different
kinds of
works. It is
again in 2:23.
note there.
This is
possibly the
right reading
of Gen.
2:2a (so
Sam. text,
LXX, Syr.).
It implies a
severer view
of Sabbath
text has
Cf. Ex. 31:13