The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar eBook - Book - Page 280
to thy days, and in thy days the children of Israel forgot it until ye celebrated it anew
on this mountain.
If one reviews our “When Was Jesus Born” videos, they will find this Day of
Covenant Renewal is also the birth of Messiah. Now that Jubilees has restored
the meaning of this day, it certainly could be no other in which He would
fulfill the covenant by entering the world becoming flesh. For Adam, Noah and
Abraham kept this Creation Feast since the beginning. As it also commemorates
the Sabbath, this is further evidence Adam kept the Sabbath as well as this is the
annual Sabbath of sort. It was the 7th day that Yahuah rested and made covenant
with the man He created the previous day. In fact, Shavuot means 7 as well as
oath appropriately.
Abraham celebrated Shavuot (15:1, 44:4). Isaac was born on Shavuot, the Feast
of First Fruits (Jub. 16:13). Note, the First Fruits Offering begins the countdown
to this First Fruits Feast (Shavuot) as they are connected but that portion did not
occur until Israel’s entrance into the Promised Land. Isaac and Ishmael kept this
Feast with Abraham (Jub. 22). Abraham dies on Shavuot (22:1). We find Jacob
observing this Feast as well on the 15th of Sivan (Jub. 44:1-5). It is not the 6th
as some Rabbi claimed after Messiah in ignorance claiming “everybody knows”
and he did not. We also see Jacob and Laban binding themselves with mutual
vows on this date (29:7). Even Moses in our opening is called up to Mt. Sinai on
the 16th the day after Shavuot but understand that was for the 40-day period. He
had already celebrated Shavuot the day before when Yahuah proposed covenant
through Moses and Israel accepted. Judah was born on Shavuot (28:15). This did
not nor does it have to originate with Moses. Shavuot (Pentecost) is one of the
most significant Feast Days in all of history and we are to renew covenant each
year on this day. Covenant is not a one-time event nor is salvation. Both require
engagement in true relationship not just saying a prayer unto itself.
Day of Atonement: 7th Month, 10th Day
Jubilees 5:17-18
And of the children of Israel it hath been written and ordained: If they turn to Him
in righteousness, He will forgive all their transgressions and pardon all their sins. It
is written and ordained that He will show mercy to all who turn from all their guilt
once each year.
Hebrews 9:7
But into the second went the high priest alone once every year, not without blood, which
he offered for himself, and for the errors of the people: