The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar eBook - Book - Page 227
4 8 : M O S E S
From The Flight Of
Moses To The Exodus
(48:1-19; cf. Ex. 2:15 ff., 4:19-24, 7-14)
1 And in the sixth year of the
third week of the forty-ninth
jubilee thou didst depart and
Cf. Ex. 2:15
dwell in the land of Midian
five weeks and one year. And
Cf. Ex. 4:19 thou didst return into Egypt in
2410 A.M. the second week in the second
year in the fiftieth jubilee.
Cf. Acts
7:30 “And 2 And thou thyself knowest
when forty
years were what He spake unto thee on
expired, there
appeared to Mount Sinai, and what prince
him in the
wilderness of Mastêmâ desired to do with
mount Sina(i) thee when thou wast returning
an angel of
the Lord in a into Egypt on the way when
flame of fire
in a bush.” thou didst meet him at the
Luke quotes
Jubilees. lodging-place. 3 Did he not
This timeline
does not with all his power seek to slay
appear in
the Bible thee and deliver the Egyptians
out of thy hand when he saw
Cf. 17:16
Cf. Ex. 4:24 that thou wast sent to execute
and vengeance
ascribes judgment
the action
4 And I
to Yahuah
and no doubt
Satan was delivered thee out of his hand,
allowed to and thou didst perform the
do so by
Yahuah. signs and wonders which thou
The same
tendency can wast sent to perform in Egypt
be illustrated
from 1 against Pharaoh, and against
Chr. 21:1
compared all his house, and against
with 2 Sa.
24:1. his servants and his people.
5 And Yahuah executed a
great vengeance on them for
Israel’s sake, and smote them
through (the plagues of) blood
and frogs, lice and dog-flies,
and malignant boils breaking
2372 A.M.
forth in blains; and their
cattle by death; and by hailstones, thereby He destroyed
everything that grew for them;
and by locusts which devoured
the residue which had been left
by the hail, and by darkness;
and (by the death) of the firstborn of men and animals, and An
on all their idols Yahuah took enumeration
of the ten
vengeance and burned them plagues.
with fire. 6 And everything was
sent through thy hand, that
thou shouldst declare (these
things) before they were done,
and thou didst speak with the
king of Egypt before all his
servants and before his people.
7 And everything took place
according to thy words; ten
great and terrible judgments
came on the land of Egypt
that thou mightest execute
vengeance on it for Israel. 8
And Yahuah did everything
for Israel’s sake, and according
to His covenant, which He
had ordained with Abraham
that He would take vengeance
on them as they had brought Cf. Gn.
them by force into bondage. 15:13, 14
9 And the prince of the
Mastêmâ stood up against
thee, and sought to cast thee
into the hands of Pharaoh,
and he helped the Egyptian
sorcerers, and they stood up
and wrought before thee. 10
The evils indeed we