The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar eBook - Book - Page 209
4 0 : J O S E P H ’ S
for Yahuah was with him, and
gave him favour and mercy
for all his generations before
Cf. 46:15-16
Satan will all those who knew him and
influence those who heard concerning
Pharaoh and
the Egyptians him, and Pharaoh’s kingdom
later but
there was no was well ordered, and there
rise of evil
opposition to was no Satan and no evil
Israel yet.
person (therein). 10 And the
= Zaphnath- king called Joseph’s name
and gave
“treasury of Sphânîphâns,
the glorious
rest” Joseph to wife the daughter of
Cf. Gn. 41:45
Potiphar, the daughter of the
priest of Heliopolis, the chief
Cf. 34:11 cook. 11 And on the day that
Joseph stood before Pharaoh
he was thirty years old [when
“Seven years
will come (in
which there will
be) plenty over
all the land of
Egypt, and after
that seven years
of famine, such
a famine as hath
not been in all
the land...”
he stood before Pharaoh].
12 And in that year Isaac died.
And it came to pass as Joseph
had said in the interpretation
of his two dreams, according
as he had said it, there were
seven years of plenty over
all the land of Egypt, and
the land of Egypt produced
abundantly, one measure
(producing) eighteen hundred
measures. 13 And Joseph
gathered food into every city
until they were full of corn
until they could no longer
count and measure it for its