The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar eBook - Book - Page 187
3 2 : L E V I ’ S
the former days he called
“The Feast.” 28 And thus it
was manifested that it should
be, and it is written on the
heavenly tables: wherefore it
was revealed to him that he
should celebrate it, and add it
to the seven days of the feast.
29 is very
corrupt. 29 And its name was called
suggests that †”Addition,” † †because that†
it should be it
was recorded amongst
read: “And
its name the days of the feast days,
was called
‘a keeping †according to† the number of
back’ (i.e.
‘aereth) the days of the year. 30 And
when it was
recorded in the night, on the twentyamongst the
days of the third of this month, Deborah
feast days in
the number Rebecca’s nurse died, and
of the days of
the year.” they buried her beneath the
city under the oak of the
river, and he called the name
of this place, “The river
of Deborah,” and the oak,
Cf. Gn. 35:8 “The oak of the mourning of
Deborah.” 31 And Rebecca
e. the
went and returned to her i.eighth
house to his father Isaac, and ofDuethetoFeast.
Jacob sent by her hand rams misunderstanding of
and sheep and he-goats that the words
she should prepare a meal for “some
his father such as he desired. (kibrath
h’ares) in
32 And he went after his Gn. 35:16.
LXX also
mother till he came to the land The
took kibrath
be a
of Kabrâtân, and he dwelt toproper
there. 33 And Rachel bare a (Χιβραθο).
son in the night, and called his
name “Son of my sorrow”;
for she suffered in giving him
birth: but his father called
his name Benjamin, on the
eleventh of the eighth month 2143 A.M.
in the first of the sixth week
of this jubilee. 34 And Rachel
died there and she was buried
in the land of Ephrath, the
the way
same is Bethlehem, and Jacob “On
to” in the text
built a pillar on the grave of of Gn. 35:19.
Rachel, on the road above her