The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar eBook - Book - Page 156
2 4 : E S A U
and he offered sacrifice to
the Elohim of Abraham his
father. 24 And they digged
a well and they found living
water. 25 And the servants
of Isaac digged another well
and did not find water, and
they went and told Isaac that
they had not found water, and
Isaac said: “I have sworn this
day to the Philistines and this
thing hath been announced
to us.” 26 And he called the
name of that place the “Well
Cf. Gn.
26:31, 33 of the Oath”; for there he
had sworn to Abimelech
and Ahuzzath his friend and
Phicol the prefect of his host.
27 And Isaac knew that day
The that under constraint he had
are a long- sworn to them to make peace
time enemy
of Israel with them.
In Gn. 26:32
the MT does
not read
not; but LXX
agrees with
our text in
so reading.
It is implied
here that
their failure
to find water
was due to
the covenant
made with
even housing
among them (24:28-33)
such as
Goliath. 28 And
Isaac Curses Philistines
Isaac on that day
cursed the Philistines and said:
Kittim is often
associated “Cursed be the Philistines
with Greece
and the unto the day of wrath and
Empire. indignation from the midst of
These are
associated all nations; may Yahuah make
in the War
Scroll in them a derision and a curse
league with
those who and an object of wrath and
will oppose indignation in the hands of
Israel until
the very final the sinners the Gentiles and in
battle. It is
also part of the hands of the Kittim.
the Psalm
83 enemies. 29 And whoever escapeth
The righteous the sword of the enemy and
nation is
Israel, the the Kittim, may the righteous
not a land nation root out in judgment
from under heaven; for they
will be the enemies and foes The
of my children throughout Philistines
their generations upon the originally
from Caphtor
earth. 30 And no remnant according
to Am. 9:7
will be left to them, Nor one (Dt. 2:23; Jr.
47:4). LXX
that will be saved on the day Gn. 10:14
renders the
of the wrath of judgment; For ancestor of
the Philistines
for destruction and rooting as the
out and expulsion from the Chasmoniim
earth is the whole seed of Hasmonean.
That faction
the Philistines (reserved), And from
there will no longer be left for cannot
inserted into
these Caphtorim a name or a Jubilees as
the authors
nor favorable.
seed on the earth.
31 For though he ascend unto
The basis of
heaven, Thence will he be 31-32 seems
to be Am.
brought down, And though he 9:2-4.
make himself strong on earth,
Thence will he be dragged
forth, And though he hide
himself amongst the nations,
Even from thence will he be
rooted out; And though he
descend into Sheol, There
also will his condemnation
be great, And there also he
will have no peace. 32 And
if he go into captivity, By the
hands of those that seek his
life will they slay him on the
way, And neither name nor
seed will be left to him on all
the earth; For into eternal
malediction will he depart.”
33 And thus is it written and
engraved concerning him on
the heavenly tables, to do unto
him on the day of judgment,
so that he may be rooted out
of the earth.