The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar eBook - Book - Page 154
2 4 : E S A U
= “red.”
Edom, on account of the red Edom
Esau was
pottage which Jacob gave him named
Isaac At The Well Of
the color of
soup for
for his birthright. 7 And Jacob the
Vision: Esau Sells His
which he
became the elder, and Esau disrespected
the value of
(24:1-7; cf. Gen. 25:11, 29-34)
was brought down from his his birthright.
He did have
1 And it came to pass after dignity.
red skin at
i.e. Beerbirth which
lahai-roi (“the the death of Abraham, that
is medium
well of the
Isaac’s Sojourn In Gerar brown but
Living One Yahuah blessed Isaac his son,
not red hair
that seeth
just lots of it.
me”); and he arose from Hebron
This is used
Gn. 25:3.
inject the
and went and dwelt at the Abimelech (24:8-27; cf. Gen. 26) toSynagogue
Satan as
Well of the Vision in the first 8 And the famine was over the ofHebrews
2073 A.M. year of the third week of this land, and Isaac departed to go falsely and it
jubilee, seven years. 2 And down into Egypt in the second
in the first year of the fourth year of this week, and went to
2080 A.M. week a famine began in the the king of the Philistines to
land, besides the first famine, Gerar, unto Abimelech.
For 9-12 cf.
i.e. lentil which had been in the days of 9 And Yahuah appeared unto Gn. 26:2-6
pottage = Abraham. 3 And Jacob sod him and said unto him: “Go
“red soup”
Cf. Gn. 26:11 lentil pottage, and Esau came not down into Egypt; dwell in
from the field hungry. And the land that I shall tell thee of,
he said to Jacob his brother: and sojourn in this land, and
“Give me of this red pottage.” I shall be with thee and bless
Cf. Gn. 25:30
i.e. lentil And Jacob said to him: “Sell thee. 10 For to thee and to thy
pottage =
“red soup” to me thy [primogeniture, seed shall I give all this land,
this] birthright and I will give and I shall establish My oath
thee bread, and also some which I sware unto Abraham
of this lentil pottage.” 4 And thy father, and I shall multiply
Esau said in his heart: “I shall thy seed as the stars of heaven,
die; of what profit to me is and shall give unto thy seed
this birthright?” And he said all this land. 11 And in thy
to Jacob: “I give it to thee.” seed will all the nations of
5 And Jacob said “Swear to the earth be blessed, because
me, this day,” and he sware thy father obeyed My voice,
unto him. 6 And Jacob gave and kept My charge and My
his brother Esau bread and commandments, and My
pottage, and he ate till he was laws, and My ordinances,
satisfied, and Esau despised and My covenant; and now
his birthright; for this reason obey My voice and dwell in
was Esau’s name called this land.” 12 And he dwelt