The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar eBook - Book - Page 150
2 3 : A B R A H A M ’ S
The Death And Burial Of
(23:1-8; cf. Gen. 25:7-10)
Cf. Gn. 46:4.
1 And he placed two fingers
of Jacob on his eyes, and he
blessed the Elohim of elohim,
Cf. Gn. 44:33 and he covered his face and
(of the death
of Jacob). stretched out his feet and slept
Jr. 51:39, 57 the sleep of eternity, and was
gathered to his fathers. 2 And
notwithstanding all this Jacob
was lying in his bosom, and
knew not that Abraham, his
father’s father, was dead.
3 And Jacob awoke from his
sleep, and behold Abraham
was cold as ice, and he said:
“Father, father!”; but there was
none that spake, and he knew
that he was dead. 4 And he
arose from his bosom and ran
and told Rebecca, his mother;
and Rebecca went to Isaac in
the night and told him; and
they went together, and Jacob
with them, and a lamp was in
his hand, and when they had
gone in they found Abraham
lying dead. 5 And Isaac fell
on the face of his father, and
wept and kissed him. 6 And
Cf. Gn. 50:1
the voices were heard in
the house of Abraham, and
Ishmael his son arose, and
went to Abraham his father,
and wept over Abraham his
father, he and all the house of
Abraham, and they wept with
a great weeping. 7 And his sons
Isaac and Ishmael buried him i.Machpelah;
in the double cave, near Sarah cf. Gn. 25:9
his wife, and they wept for him
forty days, all the men of his
house, and Isaac and Ishmael,
and all their sons, and all the
sons of Keturah in their places,
and the days of weeping for
Abraham were ended. 8 And
he lived three jubilees and four
weeks of years, one hundred
and seventy-five years, and
completed the days of his life, 2052 A.M.
being old and full of days.
The Decreasing
Years And Increasing
Corruption Of Mankind
CF. Gn. 6:3,
9 For the days of the “yet his days
shall be an
forefathers, of their life, were hundred
nineteen jubilees; and after the and
years.” 2
Flood they began to grow less Esd.
than nineteen jubilees, and to decreased
decrease in jubilees, and to gradually
over time
grow old quickly, and to be since the
Flood as He
full of their days by reason of promised.
You can
manifold tribulation and the even note
the patriarchs
wickedness of their ways, with live shorter
the exception of Abraham. over
Today, this
10 For Abraham was perfect in continues
to hold
all his deeds with Yahuah, and closely
120 years of
well-pleasing in righteousness age.
all the days of his life; and
behold, he did not complete
four jubilees in his life, when
Man ages
he had grown old by reason quicker
due to
of the wickedness and was wickedness.