The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar eBook - Book - Page 135
1 8 : S A C R I F I C E
caught [in a thicket] by his
horns, and Abraham went and
took the ram and offered it for
Syr. and a burnt-offering in the stead
Vulg. render of his son. 13 And Abraham
(Gn. 22:14)
“will see,” called that place “The Lord
MT “it shall hath seen,” so that it is said
be seen”
(provided). “(in the mount) the Lord hath
Mt. Zion in seen”: that is Mount Sion. 14
Israel is not
an ancient And the Lord called Abraham
name before
Abraham, by his name a second time
he named it.
This tells us from heaven, as he caused
why Jubilees
seems to us to appear to speak to him
place the
true Mt. Zion in the name of the Lord. 15
in the North And He said: “By Myself
Pole not
Israel. have I sworn, saith the Lord,
MT “thine Because thou hast done this
only” (Gn.
22:16). thing, And hast not withheld
thy son, thy beloved son, from
Me, That in blessing I shall
bless thee And in multiplying
I shall multiply thy seed As the
stars of heaven, And as the
sand which is on the seashore.
And thy seed will inherit the
? add in a
cities of its enemies, 16 And So
version, LXX:
in thy seed will all nations of MT
(Gn. 22:17).
the earth be blessed; Because
thou hast obeyed My voice,
And I have shown to all that
thou art faithful unto Me in all Cf. 1 Sam.
that I have said unto thee: Go 1:17
in peace.” 17 And Abraham
went to his young men, and
they arose and went together
to Beersheba, and Abraham
dwelt by the Well of the Oath.
18 And he celebrated this
festival every year, seven days
with joy, and he called it the
festival of the Lord according
to the seven days during
which he went and returned
in peace. 19 And accordingly
hath it been ordained and
written on the heavenly tables
regarding Israel and its seed
that they should observe this
festival seven days with the joy
of festival.
“Lay not thy hand
upon the lad,
neither do thou
anything to him; for
now I have shown
that thou fearest
the Lord, and hast
not withheld thy
son, thy first-born
son, from me.”