The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar eBook - Book - Page 117
1 3 : A B R A H A M
cattle, and asses, and horses,
and camels, and menservants,
For 13-15a and maidservants, and in
cf. Gn. 12:1520 (note that silver and gold exceedingly.
Gen. 12:18 is
omitted). And Lot also, his brother’s son,
was wealthy. 15 And Pharaoh
gave back Sarai, the wife of
Abram, and he sent him out
of the land of Egypt, and he
journeyed to the place where
he had pitched his tent at the
beginning, to the place of the
Cf. Gn.
13:3-4. altar, with Ai on the east, and
Bethel on the west, and he
blessed Yahuah his Elohim
who had brought him back in
peace. 16 And it came to pass
1963 A.M.
in the forty-first jubilee, in the
third year of the first week,
that he returned to this place
and offered thereon a burnt
sacrifice, and called on the
name of Yahuah, and said:
“Thou, the most high Elohim,
art my Elohim for ever and
1964 A.M. ever.” 17 And in the fourth year
of this week Lot parted from
him, and Lot dwelt in Sodom,
Cf. 8 above
and the men of Sodom were
sinners exceedingly. 18 And
it grieved him in his heart
Cf. Gn.
13:11, 13. that his brother’s son had
parted from him; for he had
For 19-21
cf. Gn. 13: no children. 19 In that year
14-18. when Lot was taken captive,
Yahuah said unto Abram,
after that Lot had parted from
him, in the fourth year of
this week: “Lift up thine eyes
from the place where thou
art dwelling, northward and
southward, and westward and
eastward. 20 For all the land
which thou seest I shall give to
thee and to thy seed for ever,
and I shall make thy seed as
the sand of the sea: though Cf. Gn. 22:17
(Gn.13: 16
a man may number the dust has as the
dust of the
of the earth, yet thy seed shall earth”).
not be numbered. 21 Arise,
walk (through the land) in the
length of it and the breadth of
“So that if
it, and see it all; for to thy seed a man can
number then
shall I give it.” And Abram shall thy
seed also be
went to Hebron, and dwelt numbered”
(Gn. 13:16).
The Campaign of
(13:22-29; cf. Gen. 14)
22 And in this year came
Chedorlaomer, king of Elam,
and Amraphel, king of
Shinar, and Arioch, king of
MT Ellasar.
Sêllâsar and Têrgâl, king of
MT Tidal
nations, and slew the king of (for form
here cf. LXX
Gomorrah, and the king of Θαργλ).
Sodom fled, and many fell
through wounds in the vale of
Siddim, by the Salt Sea.
23 And they took captive
Sodom and Adam and i. e. Admah.
Zeboim, and they took captive
Lot also, the son of Abram’s
brother, and all his possessions,
Cf. Gn. 14:14
and they went to Dan.
24 And one who had escaped
came and told Abram that his