The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar eBook - Book - Page 105
1 0 : M I S L E A D I N G
of us He commanded that
we should teach Noah all
cf. Tobit 3:17,
12:14, 15 their medicines; for He knew
that they would not walk
in uprightness, nor strive in
righteousness. 11 And we did
according to all His words:
all the malignant evil ones
Thus we bound in the place of
Satan and
Mastêmâ condemnation, and a tenth
are identical.
part of them we left that
Noah was they might be subject before
given a book
of medicines Satan on the earth. 12 And
of healing
herbs. This we explained to Noah all the
was passed
to Shem. medicines of their diseases,
One must
wonder together with their seductions,
where that is
today. This how he might heal them with
is interesting herbs of the earth. 13 And
as it suggests
there are Noah wrote down all things
remedies for in a book as we instructed
essentially all
diseases at him concerning every kind of
least before
some were medicine. Thus the evil spirits
in labs in were precluded from (hurting)
times. the sons of Noah. 14 And he
gave all that he had written to
Shem, his eldest son; for he
If Noah was loved him exceedingly above
buried on Mt.
Lubar and his all his sons. 15 And Noah
sons settled
near that slept with his fathers, and was
mountain, the
were together buried on Mount Lûbâr in
in the same
region where the land of Ararat. 16 Nine
the ark
landed which hundred and fifty years he
could not be
Turkey. completed in his life, nineteen
jubilees and two weeks and
1659 A.M. five years. 17 And in his life on
earth he excelled the children
of men save Enoch because
of the righteousness, wherein
he was perfect. For Enoch’s
office was ordained for a
testimony to the generations
of the world, so that he should
recount all the deeds of
generation unto generation,
till the day of judgment.
The Tower of Babel And
The Confusion of Tongues
(10:18-27; cf. Gen. 11:1-9)
18 And in the three and
thirtieth jubilee, in the first
year in the second week,
Peleg took to himself a wife,
whose name was Lômnâ the
daughter of Sînâ’ar, and she
bare him a son in the fourth
year of this week, and he called
his name Reu; for he said: Cf. Gn. 11:18
“Behold the children of men Cf. Gn. 11:2
have become evil through the journeyed
the east”
wicked purpose of building from
Problem: In
19, they
for themselves a city and a v.migrated
tower in the land of Shinar.” after
death to
19 For they departed from Shinar
the East
the land of Ararat eastward which is
to Shinar; for in his days they in Gn.
built the city and the tower, the
saying, “Go to, let us ascend of Ararat
thereby into heaven.” 20 And must
East of Iraq
NW in
they began to build, and in the not
fourth week they made brick
Cf. Gn. 11:4
with fire, and the bricks served
Shinar was
them for stone, and the clay on the Tigris
River in Iraq.
with which they cemented Cf. Gn. 11:3
them together was asphalt Mesopotamia
famous for
which cometh out of the sea, isbitumen
and out of the fountains of ancient
water in the land of Shinar. for more than
5,000 years.