2 ESDRAS: The Hidden Book of Prophecy With 1st Esdras - Book - Page 92
4 : U N D E R S T A N D I N G
Cf. Judg. 9:8.
2 Chr. 25:18.
Or, the land,
Or, waves.
Parable of the Forest and given unto the wood, and
the Sea
the sea to his floods: even so
they that dwell upon the earth
13 He answered me and said, may understand nothing, but
I went into a forest into a plain, that which is upon the earth:
and the trees took counsel,
and he that dwells above the
14 And said, Come, let us go heavens, may only understand
and make war against the Sea, the things that are above the
that it may depart away before height of the heavens.
us, and that we may make us
more woods.
The New Age Will Make
15 The floods of the Sea also All Things Clear
in like maner took counsel,
and said, Come, let us go up 22 Then I answered, and said,
and subdue the woods of the I beseech you, O Yahuah, let
plain, that there also we may me have understanding.
make us another country.
23 For it was not my mind to
16 The thought of the wood be curious of the high things,
was in vain, for the fire came but of such as pass by us daily,
and consumed it.
namely wherefore Israel is
17 The thought of the floods given up as a reproach to
of the Sea came likewise to the heathen, and for what
nought, for the sand stood up cause the people whom you
and stopped them.
have loved, is given over unto
18 If you were judge now ungodly nations, and why
between these two, whom the Law of our forefathers is
would you begin to justify, or brought to nought, and the
whom would you condemn? written Covenants come to
19 I answered and said, Verily none effect.
it is a foolish thought that 24 And we pass away out of
they both have devised: for the world as grasshoppers, and
the ground is given unto the our life is astonishment and
wood, and the sea also has his fear, and we are not worthy to
place to bear his floods.
obtain mercy.
20 Then he answered me and 25 What will he then do unto
said, You have given a right his Name, whereby we are
judgment, but why judge you called? of these things have I
not yourself also?
21 For like as the ground is 26 Then he answered me, and
Or, the land,
Or, waves.
Y A H U A H ’ S
The land.
Is. 55:8-9;
Jn. 3:31;
1 Cor. 2:13.
Or, no where.