2 ESDRAS: The Hidden Book of Prophecy With 1st Esdras - Book - Page 58
The Blessing of the Prince of the Congregation (100 B.C.) [56]
“The Master (John the Baptist) shall bless the Prince of the
Congregation (Yahusha) . . . and shall renew for him the Covenant
of the Community that he may establish the kingdom of His people
for ever, [that he may judge the poor with righteousness and]
dispense justice with {equity to the oppressed} of the land, and that
he may walk perfectly before Him in all the ways [of truth], and that
he may establish His holy Covenant at the time of the affliction of
those who seek God. May the Lord raise you up to everlasting heights,
and as a fortified tower upon a high wall! [May you smite the peoples]
with the might of your hand and ravage the earth with your sceptre;
may you bring death to the ungodly with the breath of your lips!
[May He shed upon you the spirit of counsel] and everlasting might, the
spirit of knowledge and of the fear of God; may righteousness be the
girdle [of your loins] and may your reins be girdled [with faithfulness]!
May He make your horns of iron and your hooves of bronze; may you
toss like a young bull [and trample the peoples] like the mire of the
streets! For God has established you as the sceptre. The rulers ... [and
all the kings of the] nations shall serve you. He shall strengthen
you with His holy Name and you shall be as a [lion; and you shall not
lie down until you have devoured the] prey which naught shall deliver”
–Calendars, Liturgies and Prayers, p. 389-390.
What did John the Baptist preach? Repentance from sin and the coming Messiah.
What exactly was one to repent from? Breaking the Law of Moses and the Covenant
which is the definition of sin or lawlessness and exactly what the Master who blesses
Messiah does in this fragment – renews covenant with Messiah, the same covenant.
Yahusha then, walks perfectly in that covenant and establishes His covenant (based
on the same). John was not propagating a new law but keeping of the current Law of
Moses in which he was preaching people to return. Was he wasting his time? Oddly,
Messiah did the same in Matthew 5:17-20 though the church changes the definition
of fulfill to include “pass away” which is illiterate. We are told it passed away yet the
Bible expresses a renewal of covenant that John preached and this fragment serves to
breach the gap between the Old and New Covenants in fact. Messiah represented the
Covenant period – Old and New.
What did John say Messiah’s purpose was? He declared: “Behold the Lamb of God,
which taketh away the sin of the world” (Jn. 1:29). The only way to take away lawlessness
or sin is to restore the law. This is exactly what John preached and when you read the
many writings of the Qumran community, this is an exact match. Yes, we are under a
new covenant as Yahuah has further advanced his portion of that same covenant. You