2 ESDRAS: The Hidden Book of Prophecy With 1st Esdras - Book - Page 27
“[For the violence done to Lebanon shall overwhelm you, and
the destruction of the beasts] X II shall terrify you, because of the
blood of men and the violence done to the land, the city, and all
its inhabitants (ii, 17).
Interpreted, this saying concerns the Wicked Priest, inasmuch
as he shall be paid the reward which he himself tendered to the
Poor. For Lebanon is the Council of the Community; and the
beasts are the simple of Judah who keep the Law. As he himself
plotted the destruction of the Poor, so will God condemn him to
destruction. And as for that which He said, Because of the blood
of the city and the violence done to the land: interpreted, the city
is Jerusalem where the Wicked Priest committed abominable
deeds and defiled the Temple of God. The violence done to
the land: these are the cities of Judah where he robbed the Poor
of their possessions.” –COMMENTARY ON HABAKKUK, p. 515
The Wicked Priest is not one man but the Hasmoneans
including their priests, the Pharisees and new Sanhedrin that
was new to Yerusalem and neither faction ever mentioned in the
entire Old Testament as they did not exist in Yerusalem until
installed by the Hasmoneans around 165 B.C. These exiled the
Aaronic, Levite Temple Priest leadership of antiquity to Qumran
replacing them with a new unbiblical order in Yerusalem. That
is the defiling of the Temple not Greece. They conquered as
they maintained control of it and changed the religion to their
Samaritan infusion of Persian basis with attempted worship of
YHWH that He rejected then and rejects now. This is clear
and indisputable and this is actual history from the First Century
ignored and untold by the church generally as they maintain
willing ignorance as 2 Peter 3 warned. Who do they listen to?
The very ones who defiled the Temple.
*Excerpts from “The
Complete Dead Sea Scrolls
in English” by Geza Vermes.
One will notice multiple
injections from Vermes and
many scholars since of the
Maccabees story as fact when
these very writings of this
community condemn the
Hasmonean Revolt as the
defiling of the Temple. That is
dishonest and fraudulent!