2 ESDRAS: The Hidden Book of Prophecy With 1st Esdras - Book - Page 19
Q U M R A N ?
their priests(Pharisees and Sadducees) who exiled the true Aaronic Priests from the
Temple are called the “sons of darkness” as they conquered the Temple and
Yahudea in 165 B.C. This battle will last until the very end times in their writings.
The Temple was the center of worship in Yerusalem. Though the Second Temple
no longer housed the ark of the covenant with Yahuah’s presence, it still received
His blessing until that time. Priestly courses continued such as that of Zacharias,
father of John the Baptist, in the course of Abiyah(Abia) but the leadership in the
Temple, in all of Yahudea and essentially the world in a spiritual sense had been
usurped by these “sons of darkness.” This was a fulfillment of the Psalm 83 war
in which David predicted the Temple, not even built at the time of his prophecy,
would be defiled by neighboring enemies in this exact sense.
For the Hasmoneans did not attack
just the Greeks nor did they originate
in Yahudea. They inhabited an
area called Modi’in which is across
the border into Dan controlled by
Samaria and the Philistines. They
were not Hebrews nor Israelites.
They were Samaritans who were the
replacements of the Northern Tribes
of Israel when they were taken
captive into Assyria since around 700
B.C. This is why even in Messiah’s
Modi’in was NOT in Yahudea!
parable of the Good Samaritan(Lk.
1770, Bonne Map of Israel. Rigobert Bonne 1727 – 1794. [12]
10:25-37), what was unthinkable in
the paradigm of that day, was that a Samaritan could be good. These replacements
were brought into the Northern Kingdom of Samaria and kept the name. They
then attempted to infuse the worship of Yahuah into pagan religions of their gods
Ashima(Hashem), Adrammelech (Melech/Molech/Ba’al) and others. However, this
was never a sincere gesture. It was a response to the land that had been rejecting
them as they were being attacked by wolves. They brought in a Levite Priest to
teach them the rituals of the Bible. Yahuah rejected this infusion (2 Ki. 17).
The Pharisees and Sadducees did not exist in Yerusalem until the so-called
Hasmonean Revolt in 165 B.C. You will find the Books of Maccabees as well as
Esther were not found among the Qumran scrolls because neither are scripture.
Both are the stories of what would become Zionism today. This was predicted not
only by David but identified in Revelation as Messiah discusses the Synagogue of
Satan who say they are Jews and are not but do lie(Rev. 2:9, 3:9). Even the term Jew
is fraud and it never should be used in scripture as it is not of Ancient Hebrew,