2 ESDRAS: The Hidden Book of Prophecy With 1st Esdras - Book - Page 160
1 6 : T H E
earth, and righteousness shall
reign among you.
53 Let not the sinner say that
he has not sinned: for Elohim
shall burn coals of fire upon
Rom. 3:23; his head, which says before
Origin: 2 Yahuah Elohim and his glory,
I have not sinned.
54 Behold, Yahuah knows
all the works of men, their
imaginations, their thoughts,
Cf. Lk. 16:15. and their hearts:
55 Which spoke but the word,
let the earth be made, and it
was made: let the heaven be
Cf. Gn.1.1. made, and it was created.
56 In his word were the stars
made, and he knows the
Cf. Ps. 146:4.
number of them.
57 He searches the deep, and
the treasures thereof, he has
measured the Sea, and what it
58 He has shut the Sea in the
midst of the waters, and with
his word has he hanged the
earth upon the waters.
59 He spreads out the heavens
Cf. Job like a vault, upon the waters
22:14, 37:18.
has he founded it.
60 In the desert has he
made springs of water, and
pools upon the tops of the
mountains, that the floods
might power down from the
high rocks to water the earth.
61 He made man, and put his
heart in the midst of the body,
and gave him breath, life, and
62 Yes and the spirit of
Almighty Elohim, which made
all things, and searches out all
hidden things in the secrets of
the earth.
63 Surely he knows your
inventions, and what you think
in your hearts, even them that
sin, and would hide their sin.
64 Therefore has Yahuah
exactly searched out all your
works, and he will put you all
to shame.
65 And when your sins are
brought forth you shall be
ashamed before men, and
your own sins shall be your
accusers in that day.
66 What will you do? or how
will you hide your sins before
Elohim and his Angels?
67 Behold, Elohim himself is
the judge, fear him: leave off
from your sins, and forget your
iniquities to meddle no more
with them forever, so shall
Elohim lead you forth, and
deliver you from all trouble.
Impending Persecution of
Yahuah’s People
68 For behold, the burning
wrath of a great multitude
is kindled over you, and they
shall take away certain of you,
Or, being
and feed you being idle with unable to
things offered unto idols.