2 ESDRAS: The Hidden Book of Prophecy With 1st Esdras - Book - Page 153
1 5 : V E G E A N C E
dragons have the upper hand,
remembering their nature, and
if they shall turn themselves,
conspiring together in great
power to persecute them,
32 Then these shall be
troubled, and keep silence
through their power, and shall
33 And from the land of the
Assyrians, shall the enemy
besiege them, and consume
some of them, and in their
host shall be fear, and dread
Or, against.
and strife among their kings.
Judgment on Babylon
34 Behold clouds from the
East, and from the North,
unto the South, and they are
very horrible to look upon; full
of wrath and storm.
35 They shall smite one upon
another, and they shall smite
down a great multitude of
stars upon the earth, even
their own star; and blood shall
Or, Pastern, be from the sword unto the
or litter.
36 And dung of men unto the
camels hoof.
37 And there shall be great
fearfulness and trembling
upon earth: and they that see
the wrath, shall be afraid, and
trembling shall come upon
38 And then shall there come
great storms, from the South,
and from the North, and
another part from the West.
39 And strong winds shall
arise from the East, and shall
open it, and the cloud which
he raised up in wrath, and
the star stirred to cause fear
toward the East and West
wind, shall be destroyed.
40 The great and mighty
clouds shall be lifted up full of
wrath, and the star, that they
may make all the earth afraid,
and them that dwell therein,
and they shall power out over
every high and eminent place,
an horrible star.
41 Fire and hail, and fleeing
swords, and many waters, that
all fields may be full, and all
rivers with the abundance of
great waters.
42 And they shall break
down the cities, and walls,
mountains and hills, trees of
the wood, and grass of the
meadows, and their corn.
43 And they shall go
Or, destroy.
steadfastly unto Babylon, and
make her afraid.
44 They shall come to her,
and besiege her, the star and
all wrath shall they power out
upon her, then shall the dust Cf.
and smoke go up unto the Rev
Origin of
heaven: and all they that be Revelation.
about her, shall bewail her.
45 And they that remain