2 ESDRAS: The Hidden Book of Prophecy With 1st Esdras - Book - Page 15
INTRODUCTION Who Lived in Qumran?
In 1947, the voice in the wilderness cried out yet again. Did you hear it? The
entire modern Old Testament canon was found in Qumran with the exception
of the Book of Esther in what is inappropriately labeled and expanded in scope
as the Dead Sea Scrolls as the find was specific to the Qumran area and truly
remains so. This included other books as well. For many of these books, these
are the oldest copies found and some were complete such as the 24-foot long
Isaiah Scroll. After over 70 years, we still know little about this community yet
the archaeology, writings of the community and the large compound found there
confirm these were the Aaronic Levite Priests, the sons of Zadok, who had been
exiled to the Wilderness of Yahudea by the Hasmoneans and Pharisees. They
were the Temple High Priests replaced by a new unbiblical order.
However, today, the world allows the Pharisees who defiled the Temple to teach
us about this community. No wonder we know so little about them or at least
we are taught so. This was the base of operations for John the Baptist and his
disciples where he baptized Jesus(Yahusha) and was visited by Him later privately.
It is among the most well-documented New Testament communities on record
and the church does not even know because it is too busy defending a control
narrative that the other books found with the Old Testament are somehow cursed
when Yahusha and John set this library as a time capsule to preserve His Word.
Note: This “Who Lived In Qumran?” section of this Introduction only is the same
as The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar. The rest of the book is new.
Photo: Stone Sundial from Qumran site. The
Qumran community were the keepers of the
Biblical calendar based on the sun and the
canon of scripture according to the
decrees from Yacob and Moses.