2 ESDRAS: The Hidden Book of Prophecy With 1st Esdras - Book - Page 12
Ezekiel 48:11 KJV
It shall be for the priests that are sanctified of the sons of Zadok; which
have kept my charge, which went not astray when the children of Israel
went astray, as the Levites went astray.
Here we are in the Last Days in which knowledge is increasing – ancient knowledge
we have lost largely. We now have the writings of these holy priests who ran the Temple
and kept the Bible. Some might find a passage about Levites going astray but read this.
The Sons of Zadok did not. They are the inhabitants of Qumran continuing this same
holy practice following the Law of Moses and keeping scripture. Ezekiel is late in the
game for the Southern Kingdom exiled at the time to Babylon already yet these Priests
still remained pious until then. He spends much of his book on the future. He identified
for us the faction who connects it all. The Old Testament and the New Testament melt
together in their writings and practices. This is the home of John the Baptist who was a
son of Zadok himself qualified to be High Priest.
What we see in scripture is Messiah’s endorsement of John as there was “none greater”
before him, the last great “prophet” in a line of prophets, “Elias (Elijah), which was
for to come” (Mt. 11:11-14). This included the practices of his community in Qumran/
Bethabara which Yahusha observed Himself even participating as He chose to be
baptized there in the place where scripture was kept. Where else would He who is the
Word choose to launch His ministry? The very place He would preserve on the Dead
Sea that we would rediscover in 1947. Yes, His promise to preserve His Word is truth.
Why search first century Rabbi babble when we have an extensive library of scripture,
their official canon of indisputable renown and historicity, their commentaries, their
hymns, their community laws based on scripture with references even, their calendars,
etc. Yet over 70 years later, we are still asking questions like what was the original
canon? It was found already. Are the Nephilim truly giants and the offspring of angels
and humans? They answer that affirmative. What modern scholar could possibly even
attempt to overrule and especially marginalize and even obscure the significance of
this find which actually represents one of the greatest discoveries in history. The very
restoration of the Word is sitting right there and we hear illiterate language from hordes
of scholars who behave as elementary dunces on this topic.
In the case of Jubilees which we published in full, the sons of Zadok label it and
use it as Torah. If the Temple Priests used it as Torah, who cares what any scholar
nor Pharisee would ever have to say about it’s authenticity as scripture. They have no
permission to overrule the Biblical authority and it does not matter what the illegitimate
usurpers of the Temple, the Pharisees (modern Rabbis), perceived as their canon which
was rebuked by Messiah in Mark 7 and elsewhere. We find the same with 2nd Esdras
which we publish The Torah Test in this introduction following. When we can find a
text which appears to be the basis of quotes from Messiah Himself even identified as