2 ESDRAS: The Hidden Book of Prophecy With 1st Esdras - Book - Page 103
behold, these heathen, which
have ever been reputed as
nothing, have begun to be
lords over us, and devour us:
58 But we your people (whom
you have called your first
born, your only begotten, and
your fervent lover) are given
into their hands.
59 If the world now be made
for our sakes, why do we not
possess an inheritance with
the world? How long shall this
15% Of the Earth Was Water
Before the Flood
42 Upon the third day thou did command
that the waters should be gathered in the
seventh part of the earth: six parts has
thou dried up and kept them...
47 Upon the fifth day, thou said unto the
seventh part, where the waters were
50 And did separate the one from the other:
for the seventh part (namely where the
water was gathered together)...
52 But unto Leviathan thou gave the
seventh part, namely the moist...
The World Ocean was
formed by the Flood.
The Rivers from Eden can only be on
the bottom of the ocean floor.
No modern river could fit.