2 ESDRAS: The Hidden Book of Prophecy With 1st Esdras - Book - Page 101
6 : T H E
36 And in the eighth night
was my heart vexed within me
Conclusion of the Second again, and I began to speak
before the Most High.
37 For my spirit was greatly
29 And when he talked with set on fire, and my soul was in
me, behold, I looked by little distress.
and little upon him before
whom I stood.
Yahuah’s Work in
30 And these words said he Creation
unto me, I am come to show
you the time of the night to 38 And I said, O Yahuah, you
spoke from the beginning of
31 If you will pray yet more, the creation, even the first day,
and fast seven days again, I and said thus, Let heaven and
shall tell you greater things by earth be made: and your word
Cf. Gn. 1:1.
was a perfect work.
See cap. 13. day, then I have heard.
vers. 52.
32 For your voice is heard 39 And then was the spirit,
before the Most High: for the and darkeness, and silence
mighty has seen your righteous were on every side; the sound
dealing, he has seen also your of man’s voice was not yet
chastity, which you have had formed.
ever since your youth.
40 Then you commanded
33 And therefore has he sent a fair light to come forth of
me to show you all these your treasures, that your work
things, and to say unto you, Be might appear.
of good comfort, and fear not. 41 Upon the second day
34 And hasten not with the you made the spirit of the
times that are past, to think firmament, and commanded it
vain things, that you may not to part assunder, and to make
hasten from the latter times.
a division between the waters,
that the one part might go up,
The Third Vision
and the other remain beneath.
42 Upon the third day you
35 And it came to pass after did command that the waters
this, that I wept again, and should be gathered in the
fasted seven days in like seventh part of the earth: six
manner, that I might fulfill the parts have you dried up and
three weeks which he told me. kept them, to the intent that